
Hi everyone, I’m Mandarin! I have crossed the Rainbow Bridge a while ago, but here’s a picture of me when I first showed up at the doorstep of Mandarin’s Retreat:

Mandarin in the Front Yard Wanting Pets

So handsome! I was a little bit dirty and unkempt, because I’d been out there for a long time and I had to hunt for food and look for shelter, so I didn’t have much time to groom myself. But then I met this smol tabby girl who told me about this house where the hoomans always had food out and where they built little houses for us and that one time when her brother broke his paw, they fixed him up and made the pain go away! At first I wasn’t sure about any of it and began suspecting catnip overindulgence, but the tabby looked really plump and clean and happy. So, I packed up my bindle and followed her to this cat hotel.

It was everything she described and more! She forgot to mention that the hoomans made us a lake in the middle of the big yard! The water was so fresh and tasty and we could bap the little ducky that was floating around in there! I even peed in the lake and no one said anything! Well, the hoomans didn’t, but Myz the Community Cat got all offended and led me to the huge, covered litter box. Ah, well. Live and learn.

Shortly after I started dating Mama Hissy Missy.

Mama Missy in the Front Yard

Isn’t she gorgeous? She said that the hoomans were talking about something called TNR, so we decided to start a family as soon as we were able and soon we had four little evil overlords in training, I mean, fuzzballs running around. Hoomans were not amused but they welcomed them with open paws and continued to feed us all.

Then, my years out there fighting in cat wars have started taking their toll. I began rest a lot more in the sun and a big wound on my front paw stopped healing. I also figured that maybe since the hoomans have been so nice to us, they’d give me some pets and head scritches. They did! Then, one day, I saw that the hoomans put out a box. I couldn’t see inside of it well, but the smell was unmistakable – shrimp! So I got in and the box’s door snapped shut behind me. My plan had worked! I was going inside! Yeah, that’s what it was. My plan. Yep. Definitely.

Unfortunately, in the haste to execute my plan, I managed to cram myself into what I later learned was a kitten trap. That became rather uncomfortable soon after, as I’d gotten a bit rotund after having spent all this time with my new hoomans. Thankfully, they were pros and switched me over to much larger accommodations shortly after. A FatCat trap. FatCat. The outrage.

Next morning, the hoomans split us all up. I went to something called “The Vet” and my family and friends went to something called “TNR clinic.” I liked it at the vet. I got treats, then I fell asleep and once I woke up I was naked, but that was okay because my fur had gotten really difficult to clean. They petted me there, told me that I was a good kitty and I eventually noticed that the wound on my paw wasn’t hurting any more. I was the first back at the hoomans’ place and I started to get really worried for my family and buddies but they soon showed up too, a little loopy but okay.

Mandarin Back From the Vet

The hoomans said that I had something called “feline lewkemia” and that I couldn’t go back outside. I was happy that I was going to stay, but very sad because I knew I was going to miss my wife and kids. But, it turned out that my babies were going to stay in as well, because they had the same thing I did. My wife, Mama Missy, didn’t want to stay and even tried beating up one of the hoomans, so we said our goodbyes and reassured each other that we will stay in touch through the huge window in my new room. The hoomans turned one of their bedrooms into a place just for us! We even had out own bathroom!

I had so much fun. Mama Missy and everyone else would show up every day to chat with us, I got to watch my babies grow and the hoomans gave me unlimited pets and treats. It was my own, little cat heaven.

Mandarin Asking for a Treat

Then, I started feeling not so well and my tummy began hurting. I told the hoomans and they looked very concerned. I knew my time was nearing its end, so I hugged my kiddos and said goodbye to my love, Mama Missy. This time, they took me to a different “The Vet”. The hooman there was very nice to me and gave me treats, but she didn’t have good mews for my hoomans – I was very ill with cancer, in a lot of pain and other than painkillers, there was nothing more she could do for me. I told everyone that it was okay and that they gave me a wonderful, loving end of life, but they all cried so much, even the new hoomans I’d just met.

And then I was at the Rainbow Bridge. There were all these black kitties that elcomed me – Radek, Mobbit, Vampy and so many more. They showed me around and everything looked just like the house the hoomans provided me with, but it was never cold and there were treats all over!

And so, here I am and here’s my story. I hope you liked reading about how my life unfolded and that you find it in yourself to support the hoomans that made it happen.

Mandarin as the Retreat’s Mascot