Winston & Jeremiah

Jeremiah and Winston

Jeremiah was a street cat and a victim of a dog fighting cabal who found his way to our driveway. He was so territorial that we had to limit his space within the Retreat to Mr. H’s office. He resided there, mostly alone for a couple of years.

Winston was a lost kitten placed with us by our vet and one day he ran through the open door of the office to bump noses with Jeremiah. From almost that time on, the two were best buds. They traveled together to the Vet ER when Jeremiah’s congenital heart disorder reared its ugly head, surprising us all and had their last kitty hug when he walked over the Rainbow Bridge on 5 Sept 2022. Winston was heart broken and kept wandering the house looking for his friend; we think he had never recovered from his loss and followed Jeremiah over the bridge on April 29, 2024, having lost his fight to total bone marrow failure. They are now forever together.