Cole and Cars

We got a new kitten on Friday. Presumably this is just a foster for the Human Society, but we’ll see. We haven’t had much luck of our fosters being taken back, but that’s another story for another time. This is Cole’s time. Cole came to us straight from the vet where he had been in treatment for three days. His front paws were horribly burned.

This is a photo of Cole's burnt paws.
Cole’s Burnt Toe Beans

We receuved Cole’s story from Sun City Cats and it’s posted below in his own words:

Cole’s Story

I’m Coleman… you can call me “Cole” for short. I’m named after Christian Coleman the world champion in running. 

A couple days ago I decided to explore a parked vehicle.

I guess it wasn’t very smart of me to choose to hide in an exhaust pipe.  Especially after the car started moving.  I gave it my all to keep my little paws moving and keep up with the vehicle…. Maybe if I had some “Nike Air Zooms” like Christian I wouldn’t have hurt my paws. Luckily, a very kind lady waved, honked, and screamed hysterically to stop the vehicle (before we entered the interstate). She then sprang into action, laying on the street not caring about her cloths getting dirty and she-saved me as my paws were already damaged. Thank you “kind lady”, for caring. I heard she doesn’t really know much about us furry felines, but she cared enough to save my life. We need more two legged critters like her. 

I was in the vet all week (thanks to those kind two legged critters as well). And now I’m with my favorite people. They never skimp on the Churu.  YUM. Once I’m all healed up I hope to find my fantastic family.  But I need some extra TLC right now.  Please, if you know anyone that’s sweet, patient, and gentle. I’ll fit right in. 

Sorry no biscuits right now but I’m sending you lots of purrs.  Thank you for giving me a chance! 


Lil’ Cole 

Paws Covered in Gunk and Wrapped

So for now, Cole will be healing and returning to our vet for further treatment. If you would like to support Cole, please click Donations and specify in your comments that you want gift to go to Cole.