With all the sorrow of the last few weeks, plus too many trips to the human doctor and filling out tax forms, I thought we could have some fun and experiment with video for the first time. As many of you may know, Stella was found by the children of a Reddit poster, who then turned to the community for help when she wasn’t thriving after they’d provided her with vet care and gave her some time to recover. We stepped in.
Thank you Brittany and family for saving this graceful old lady and doing the absolute best to give her a chance at a comfortable and loving retirement!
She was a mess with fur missing on her nose, a polyp in her ear and not nearly enough fat and muscle on her bones. We took her to our vet who said we should expect that cancer was causing the hair loss and inflammation on her nose and that she’s likely need surgery. To make a long story short, Dr Marquez biopsied her nose, removed the polyp from her ear and sent everything off to a lab to see what’s what. As it turned out, her nose was just inflamed but the “polyp” in her ear was cancerous. Unlike Vincent, Stella’s cancer never returned.
What Stella did have was a massive thyroid problem. Her hyperthyroidism was so bad that the lab machine basically stopped counting after a certain point and said “Your guess is as good as mine! Good luck!” The treatment for that is methimazole – a medicine that is basically anti-thyroid and helps us keep her thyroid levels in check. At first we used a medi-pen with which we spread the ointment inside her ear. This worked for about three weeks and then Stella began to break out in lesions around her neck and throat. Yep, she was allergic to something in the pen and we hoped it was just the carrier gel and not the active ingredient itself. We switched to a liquid medicine we found at Chewy, made by Norbrook Laboratories.
We have given liquid medicine to our cats plenty of times over the years. Sometimes its easy, sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it takes a purrito. However, with this medicine from Norbrook Labs…well, see for yourselves:
While we don’t know her exact age, Stella appears to be a very old cat. As her pictures in the gallery show, she can pose with the best of runway models. But, being a very old kitty with arthritis, she can be very weary of the world and its problems. That’s why we call her Pwincess Stella Grumpypants.
Happy Caturday!
(Side note: Norbrook Laboratories is not a sponsor of this post and they have not paid us one, fat treat to post this. It’s simply the very first time we’ve encountered a medicine that a cat actually WANTS to take.)