Some cats at the Retreat have jobs to assist in the care, maintenance and upkeep of the facility. Here are a few of the jobholders in the past and present.
Jeremiah An Office CatJeremiah often decided to help Mr. H in his PSA duties
J surveying videosAs part of his job as a DHS Security Cat, Jeremiah reviews training videos to be used in training neighborhood paw patrols.
Newsletter HelpHe was suppose to be sorting the MOWW newsletters for mailing but seems to have lost interest.
Rerouting the networkMarmalade at Work
Simon as Kitchen HelpHired to Wash Dishes
Winston-Sys-AdminWinston - Our first sys admin
Load testing the rackFinbar in his role as a sys admin assistant is testing the load capacity of the Retreat's network distribution rack.
Pantry HelpKit Kat is sleeping on the job when he should be sorting cat food cans and finding lost treats.
Sous Chef in TrainingSimon is in training to be a sous chef in the Mandarin's Retreat kitchens. He decided the move after a day of washing dishes.
Oliver working on the rackWhile everyone else is in bed with post-Thanksgiving food hangovers, Oliver is running tests for conductivity on the network.